Saturday, October 12 from 9am – 11am
There will be a Household Hazardous Materials, E-Waste and Medicine Drop-Off Saturday, October 12th at IHHA Park, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. The items that can be turned in are outlined below. It is so important to the environment that these items don’t wind up in the landfill or flushed down the toilet.
Please make sure that all paint can lids are on tight and that none of the items are leaking. Please put these items in a box for easier transportation. Hazardous waste would be paint, household chemicals, fertilizers, insect spray, and weed killers.
E-waste would be considered items such as computers, screens, printers and cords.
Please empty all meds into a sealed zip lock baggie. Items such as old vitamins and over-the-counter meds will be accepted. Liquids such as cough medicine can remain in the bottle. This is your chance to get rid of expired or unused meds properly, without damage to the environment.
Please, no contractors.